Well I managed to extract a little bit more from Deadwood this morning, probably all that Deadwood has to offer. This entailed walking the entire length of the city (its only 1.5 miles long, so this only took about 45min) stopping in each casino to ascertain who had the greatest breakfast prospects. We ultimately reconciled upon an all-you can eat breakfast buffet.
Following breakfast, we visited the location where Wild Bill was shot, we packed up and said goodbye to Mr. Bullock, Charlie Utter, and the rest of Deadwood.
Hitting the road it took an hour to get to Devil’s Mountain. A sight more impressive than Mt. Rushmore, this tower to the sky showed me a naturally created sight on par with the Grand Canyon (well the Grand Canyon rocked a bit more, but this is a close second). Walking around the base stirred a desire to attempt to scale this great obelisk, but then reality reminded me that I get winded after rock climbing for only 20min let alone the several hours required to attack this tower.
Leaving Devils Tower, a five hour drive to Cody, WI, led us through a 6,000ft altitude change in each direction. Arriving in Cody, we checked into the Cowboy Village. While most hotels provide residents with either two twin beds, or one queen bed, this hotel came equipped with two KING size beds and an LCD tv.
Following check in, a craving for BBQ took over our consciousness. Led by a desire to fulfill these urges, we came upon a Ribs restaurant in Cody. This experience provided us with some of, if not the best ribs of our life.
Now, sitting in our room, and having missed my episode of Heroes, I’m going to go to bed. Tomorrow is Yellowstone, and hopefully, it does not snow (and yes I meant snow).
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